Fuzetees - Sloth keep calm I’m a Nurse shirt
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See more: Sloth keep calm I’m a Nurse shirt

Hua there was a Fuzetees - Sloth keep calm I’m a Nurse shirt woman who had some symptoms as similar as the disease. The doctors asked that woman to take medical check up but she refused and said that it was just a typical fever. :)) And then she went home. It is not the government’s fault at all. sorry if I offend people of any religion, it's not intended. Going to church isn't going to cure u. U can pray anywhere eg ur home. U can hav faith but to get a virus/desease under control is up to the people to handle food in the proper conditions they sell, especially in markets, no refrigeration, unsanitary handling of meat/food, Indonesia is one country which comes to mind. It's up to the WHO & all countries to come together to get this virus/desease under control, but it first starts with countries & people to take more responsibility in food handling.
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