Brotherhood of the open road shirt
Buy it: Brotherhood of the open road shirt

Indeed boycotting beef and dairy would be a fantastic benefit for your own health and the planet Stangeland this is why I will never vote democrat, even if it’s so very hard to vote conservative, even if that conservative is the morally bankrupt Brotherhood of the open road shirt. My health is none of anyone’s business but mine, what I choose to eat is my business, and I don’t need democrats taxing meat, when the wealthy will still be dinning on prime rib and nice fat steaks. But at least it will help farmers for the black market, meat market!!

Indeed boycotting beef and dairy would be a fantastic benefit for your own health and the planet Stangeland this is why I will never vote democrat, even if it’s so very hard to vote conservative, even if that conservative is the morally bankrupt Brotherhood of the open road shirt. My health is none of anyone’s business but mine, what I choose to eat is my business, and I don’t need democrats taxing meat, when the wealthy will still be dinning on prime rib and nice fat steaks. But at least it will help farmers for the black market, meat market!!
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