Bee Kind Jigsaw Awareness Shirt
Buy it: Bee Kind Jigsaw Awareness Shirt

The Bee Kind Jigsaw Awareness Shirt in five women, and one in 20 men, have experienced sexual violence or threats since the age of 15. This isnt a gender thing, it is a human thing. When are we going to grow as a whole so we all can feel safe? Im pretty sure, if there wasnt such a stigma behind it, you'd find the males number would also be lower than 1 in 20. And it can also be said the same for women if they also felt safe enough to come forward with out any fear of ridicule.
From: Shop Trending Shirt

The Bee Kind Jigsaw Awareness Shirt in five women, and one in 20 men, have experienced sexual violence or threats since the age of 15. This isnt a gender thing, it is a human thing. When are we going to grow as a whole so we all can feel safe? Im pretty sure, if there wasnt such a stigma behind it, you'd find the males number would also be lower than 1 in 20. And it can also be said the same for women if they also felt safe enough to come forward with out any fear of ridicule.
From: Shop Trending Shirt
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