March girl I may be not perfect but Jesus thinks I’m to die for shirt
Buy it; March girl I may be not perfect but Jesus thinks I’m to die for shirt

And as usual I didn't find what I was looking for .. Humans beings are so complex. I believe behavioral economics is a necessary approach to capture our mind, our behavior. Yet people can behave so differently from time to time. Sometimes I feel people can shed their skin. But still it appears, as the March girl I may be not perfect but Jesus thinks I’m to die for shirt also suggests, people tend to be predictably irrational again & again ... May be irrationality is wired deep inside this ideally-assumed rational
From: Shop Fuzetees

And as usual I didn't find what I was looking for .. Humans beings are so complex. I believe behavioral economics is a necessary approach to capture our mind, our behavior. Yet people can behave so differently from time to time. Sometimes I feel people can shed their skin. But still it appears, as the March girl I may be not perfect but Jesus thinks I’m to die for shirt also suggests, people tend to be predictably irrational again & again ... May be irrationality is wired deep inside this ideally-assumed rational
From: Shop Fuzetees
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