Wu Tang Clan Hip Hop shirt
Buy it: Wu-Tang Clan Hip Hop shirt

I came to this book already holding fast to some counterintuitive understandings about traffic roundabouts are great, widening highways doesn't usually relieve congestion, late merging is optimal, cyclists are safer in the lane. I also already knew that humans aren't really capable of optimally safe driving, and we'll all be better off when human drivers are removed from the Wu Tang Clan Hip Hop shirt.
From: Shop Fuzetees

I came to this book already holding fast to some counterintuitive understandings about traffic roundabouts are great, widening highways doesn't usually relieve congestion, late merging is optimal, cyclists are safer in the lane. I also already knew that humans aren't really capable of optimally safe driving, and we'll all be better off when human drivers are removed from the Wu Tang Clan Hip Hop shirt.
From: Shop Fuzetees
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