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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2019

I was meant to live at Downton Abbey vintage shirt

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Buy it:  I was meant to live at Downton Abbey vintage shirt I amazes me people don't know that being impeached is not the same as being removed I was meant to live at Downton Abbey vintage shirt   office. The house impeaches the senate holds a trial to determine if he is removed from office. So, if the house impeaches and the senate doesn't remove him he is still an impeached president. Clearly trump has no understanding of how the whistleblower laws work and what it entails, and he obviously isn’t listening to anyone who might be attempting to explain it to him before he vomits all this junk on Twitter. It’s just so beyond embarrassing. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Hello Kitty Pennywise Hello Cowboys shirt

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Buy it:  Hello Kitty Pennywise Hello Cowboys shirt Then he turns around and ask another country for a favor to get some dirt on another political rival? So the No Collusion defense holds no weight huh? Hello Kitty Pennywise Hello Cowboys shirt   couldn't make up a better script This, if allowed, would defeat all of the moral and legal protections for whistleblowers which encourages them to come forward. Trump though doesn’t believe that laws apply to him. He’s a grotesque blight on the world and a shame on America and Americans who voted for him.  It’s pissing him off so bad that he is being told “no” you can’t know who he is, and it’s so wonderful!! Like no Donald you dont deserve to meet him, all you deserve is an Orange jump suit! From: S hop Trending Shirt

Violet Crawley what is a weekend sunset vintage shirt

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Buy it:  Violet Crawley what is a weekend sunset vintage shirt So what is he going to say or do if he in fact meets the accuser?, it's all hype, he can't put two words together in the most favorable Violet Crawley what is a weekend sunset vintage shirt . Spencer it’s all about intimidation, if trump knows who the whistle blower is, his goons will do something to him/her or their family which will intimidate future potential whistle blowers. That's what my young son said today when he heard me talking about it . He thinks he can buy his way out of everything . Not this time. For the past years, trump has been getting away with so many things that an ordinary person would have gotten fired for because the republicans in congress allowed/ enabled it From: Shop Trending Shirt

I asked god to make me an better man he sent me my son I asked god for an angel he sent me my daughter shirt

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Buyi it:   I asked god to make me an better man he sent me my son I asked god for an angel he sent me my daughter shirt Does that include all the I asked god to make me an better man he sent me my son I asked god for an angel he sent me my daughter shirt  that accused Trump of sexually assaulted them Steve? Oh wait!! The liar in chief sad they were all lying and Trump's followers tended to believe him!! Kornya Crazy that Trump and his crazy followers wonder why there are so many leaks from the Whitehouse.Gee I wonder if it’s because everything they are doing is as crooked as hell and I am so glad that there are people willing to risk it all to protect their country unlike the Republican lawmakers who are gutless and are definitely going to be on the wrong side of history. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Captain Spaulding tutti fucking fruity shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding tutti fucking fruity shirt It is a long standing tradition that, as Democrats, we don't mind being falsely accused of anything, when accused falsely, we and the politicians we elect have always accepted being falsely accused with humility, dignity, grace and contriteness Trump however, is an ingrate, too thin skinned. Unable to cope with and accept false accusations. Three years of Captain Spaulding tutti fucking fruity shirt  attacked non stop by the alt left media, leaked on by butt hurt career Oligarchs, being accused of Treason, of colluding with Russia, being Putin's puppet, being called illegitimate because Russia changed the votes of gullible democrats in Pennsylvania and unable to take his licks like a man, has insisted on getting to the bottom of the Russian collusion and illegitimate president Hoax and therefore, deserves impeachment. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Greta Thunberg Listen to the Scientists shirt

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Buy it:  Greta Thunberg Listen to the Scientists shirt That’s only in a criminal case this is not the same thing. Although he’ll have his chance in a criminal case in New York soon enough. Patterson Clinton was peached but remained because the Senate declined to move forward with removal as Clinton's term was nearly up anyway, and the Republicans achieved the disgrace they were hoping for. Greta Thunberg Listen to the Scientists shirt  it's a lot of things he deserves but to meet the person who cares enough to try to save the country isn't one of those things. The whistle blower deserves a metal of honor From: Shop Trending Shirt

God made me Jesus saved me Taxas raised me shirt

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Buy it:  God made me Jesus saved me Taxas raised me shirt Not even there. The Senate procedure is mediated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme God made me Jesus saved me Taxas raised me shirt . That said it is a trial based on facts provided by the House. Questions may be asked if witnesses. The President will not be a witness. The full Senate is the jury. if trump want to take the witness stand, be deposed, then his attorneys can depose the witness - they can look at each other during the hearing or court case. if I did nothing wrong, I wouldn't care because the facts would prove my innocence. However, the facts so far have proved tRump guilty of treason, witness intimidation, obstruction, evidence tampering, emollient violations and those are just the ones we know of. From: Shop Trending Shirt

German Shepherd paws for the cure shirt

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Buy it:  German Shepherd paws for the cure shirt  Francis in a court of law you sure German Shepherd paws for the cure shirt . So if he wants to step down and be tried then he can have that right. But impeachment and a senate trial are not a court of law. Oh wait no he can’t. There is constitutional protections for whistleblowers. Dudes so dumb and so are his lawyers to allow him to continue to incriminate himself and break more laws. Bosley yes but if any charges were developed from that info. The person would have to be identified. We don't use anonymous witnesses in our system. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt

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Buy it:  Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt I dont think you understand the point of a whistleblower. They aren’t the “accuser” in a court of law as Trump is implying. A whistleblower’s information is Greta Thunberg Skolstrejk For Klimatet Shirt , if the accusations are verified through evidence and any legal proceedings occur-it’s the city/county/state/feds that become the “accuser”, not the whistleblower. Bosley laws were broken by the folks who gave the whistle blower the information. How does all that pan out. Furthermore, he made many comments that weren't true. From: Shop Trending Shirt

I’m a simple woman I like coffee taco and Downton Abbey shirt

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Buy it:  I’m a simple woman I like coffee taco and Downton Abbey shirt Of course the president has the right to meet and confront his I’m a simple woman I like coffee taco and Downton Abbey shirt . The sixth amendment guarantees it. During a criminal prosecution in a court of law, any American has the right to confront their accuser. It’s called cross-examination. Outside a court? It’s called witness tampering. It’s also called a felony. that’s the point of a whistleblower. It’s anonymous, even if he finds out later cause with social media he just might but no, he doesn’t deserve to meet his accuser.  this so called whistle blower doesn't know anymore than 2nd hand knowledge. The transcript of the call puts out more information than a 2nd hand whistle blower would ever have. So the entire thing is a show since every word has been released already. From: Shop Trending Shirt

A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also need Downton Abbey shirt

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Buy it:  A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also need Downton Abbey shirt Terrios wrong, trump is the leader of our country he has the right to ask other leader questions, joe Biden (hunter) are the ones who committed a crime, since when does a person kicked out of the military get a job A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also need Downton Abbey shirt  a month, in another country, it’s amazing how people will jump to conclusions about the wrong person, they are going after trump to try and cover up joe Biden, they don’t like trump because he doesn’t fit to their agenda, turning our country to socialism, when everyone is in concentration camps because of the Democrats, Trump won’t be that Bad, you need to open your eyes that’s where they are pushing everyone, first step take our guns From: Shop Trending Shirt

I was meant to live at Downton Abbey shirt

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Buy it:  I was meant to live at Downton Abbey shirt Lehm not only that. Someone must have told him the dems are gathering all the evidence they can and even if the coward GOP dont convict him in the senate all that evidence can be used by federal and state courts to convict him where its not political. Keep going Schiff. Expose them all. Barr, Mnuchin, Lewandowski, Pence, I was meant to live at Downton Abbey shirt  , Pompeo, Giuliani, the trump kids and trump himself. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Halloween Unicorn Dabbing Philadelphia Eagles Shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Unicorn Dabbing Philadelphia Eagles Shirt This world is just too complicated and the level of contentment is nothing to write home about. We are never contented with our natural Halloween Unicorn Dabbing Philadelphia Eagles Shirt . I used to think skin lightening is just an African addiction, but I am getting schooled differently now. I really cannot blame the users though. I am fat and trying hard to shed weight. Some slim people are trying hard to add some weight. And that goes for skin colour too. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Darth Baker I find your lack of faith Dangerous shirt

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Buy it:  Darth Baker I find your lack of faith Dangerous shirt  Owusu It’s immaterial which country this occurred in, I think, but it was in S E Asia. The point is that selection and discrimination based on skin tone or colour is universally a deep cultural problem which needs addressing and changing because it’s harmful and damaging in many ways - and not limited to the issue of physically harmful skin bleaching. es. And in principally-Caucasian countries society laughs at those with pale skin and tells us that Darth Baker I find your lack of faith Dangerous shirt  a good, brown tan is 'healthy' and 'beautiful From: Shop Trending Shirt

I’m a simple woman I love sunshine yoga and dogs shirt

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Buy it:  I’m a simple woman I love sunshine yoga and dogs shirt I once worked as a volunteer in a developing country and often encountered this enthusiasm for being as light as possible: to be dark skinned lowered your value in the marriage and employment market; as a consequence I found it almost impossible to winkle my coworkers out of the office to do any work in direct sunlight. Poc often say that. How lots of people of color I’m a simple woman I love sunshine yoga and dogs shirt  love to be lighter, there are some who tan. Like Kim kardashian but its not the same as being black or brown. Racism is as American as apple pie. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Michael Myers Air Jordan Haddonfield Shirt

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Buy it:  Michael Myers Air Jordan Haddonfield Shirt  I never apply that kind of stuff. I just appear as naturally as possible. Besides, I don't need to spend my money to buy such unnecessary stuff so that I can save more money.  I find it so sad that anyone would feel it necessary to lighten their skin. Michael Myers Air Jordan Haddonfield Shirt , brown, pink, cream, all skin colours are beautiful. Be proud of who you are.  I feel sad that as a society we’ve put pressure on each other and ourselves to change what we look like so that we fit inWish we could all accept ourselves and each other and see that our differences are our beauty. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Official All I need today is a little bit of Chiefs and a whole lot of Jesus shirt

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Buy it:  Official All I need today is a little bit of Chiefs and a whole lot of Jesus shirt Electromagnetic charging of ions or pulses today and their interactions on certain areas of the planet, earthquake stirring and volcanoes, geomagnetic modifications, nuclei excitation, red areas high electronic charge level and extreme black and white! As a Official All I need today is a little bit of Chiefs and a whole lot of Jesus shirt  of the Comment Reading Association of United Kingdom UKCRA , I’m only here to read comments. Please keep the comments short and simple. We do appreciate your typing effort. Also please watch your spelling. Thank you From: Shop Trending Shirt

Cleveland Browns Squad Gold Shirt

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Buy it:  Cleveland Browns Squad Gold Shirt Eyndra Gandhi now Imran Khan speech was in attacking position while Pakistan was in defensive position. Sadly the BBC will report on such people as Nicole Kidman but not on the 1000’s of veterans that marched in London yesterday in protest to the prosecutions of veterans in Northern Ireland. Shame on you Cleveland Browns Squad Gold Shirt  for you lack of support and backbone for the people who bought your freedom with their blood. Now for the first time in Indian history Pakistan is in attacking position while India is in defensive position.History repeats. From: Shop Trending Shirt

The one where my boobs try to kill me shirt

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Buy it:  The one where my boobs try to kill me shirt Hope the relatives of those who died find peace. I find a lot of the comments on this post sick and very sad. Thought people The one where my boobs try to kill me shirt  have more compassion So you see Jeremiah, without rollercoasters to accelerate the people at major vertical G's with full radial twists, the people of Tomorrowland will never know the true forces of a jet fighter pilot in a civilian environment Im in this fb group and someone was talking about 2 girls that were talking about how they live in the town where this amusement park is at and how they needed maintenance everywhere n days later this happened idk if the girls were in the group and posted it but yeah I saw some pictures From: Shop Trending Shirt

Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt

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Buy it:  Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt Why not writing something about when the larger part of Asia was colonies to the western powers and how they are treated like slaves in their homeland while these powers enjoyed the fruits of their exploitation. Communists part they bloody dangerous and people should not trust them at all ! I was living in those cruelty society before!i The Captain Spaulding Sid Haig Never turn your back on a fuckin clown when he talkin to you shirt  within the communist party of course. Although China is less communist than it used to be. True communism does not exist From: Shop Trending Shirt

The Riverbottom Nightmare Band Shirt

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Buy it:  The Riverbottom Nightmare Band Shirt The world should note CCP does not equal to China. CCP was from USSR and has been destroying real Chinese culture and traditions since If I'm not saying of the legitimacy of this lady then I'm not being grateful, I only invested The Riverbottom Nightmare Band Shirt , today I received $3576 thank you Christiana Morrison, Allah will reward you in 100 folds. Eliminating CCP is actually good for Chinese and the world.  But Chinese government has achieved so much due to strict laws and poeple friendly policies From: Shop Trending Shirt

St Louis Cardinals Go Cards team signature shirt

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Buy it:  St Louis Cardinals Go Cards team signature shirt where you have no property rights or any rights for that matter. Police can enter your house without a warrant and take you to jail just for thinking differently. St Louis Cardinals Go Cards team signature shirt  china has concentration camps and re education camps. Sure not communist though. Jepson Mao set the foundation, without him brutally wiped out the landlord class, where do u think China gonna build its world class infrastructures on? Only if he could die 10 years earlier From: Shop Trending Shirt

Rick Pennywise missing Morty Smith shirt

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Buy it:  Rick Pennywise missing Morty Smith shirt Ogunobo you just hope that your one of the people that fits into the dreams of the China govt and not the 40 million or so people that died who did not fit in the dream. Not secure at all for the very poor. Party members are the selfish elite who Rick Pennywise missing Morty Smith shirt  the rest.  It worked for them , they won , do you guys really think it's possible to impose one child policy or compulsory intellectual transfer in a Democratic society , they did it and now look at them If it was genuinely Communist, the richest man in China would not be a party member. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Halloween Unicorn Dabbing Green Bay Packers Shirt

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Buy it;  Halloween Unicorn Dabbing Green Bay Packers Shirt They knew that isolationism can only get you so far, as was the case with North Korea. With no religion to impede the progress, substantial natural resources and a gigantic population, it was only a matter of time for this to happen anyway. They succeeded where Halloween Unicorn Dabbing Green Bay Packers Shirt  failed, which is why the latter is dead in the dirt and China's still marching on. should produce an album detailing the development of China and India, the two most populous countries, over the past few decades, and the living conditions of ordinary people today. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Hello Fall Snoopy Driving Houston Astros Shirt

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Buy it:  Hello Fall Snoopy Driving Houston Astros Shirt  I think the Catholic Church has long lost any rights on morality. If someone is suffering pain, agony and misery each and every day of their lives without any way of recovering from it and if they’re of conscious sound, mind and decision and that’s Hello Fall Snoopy Driving Houston Astros Shirt   choice to see an end to it then that’s their choice to do with their life as they wish. I think that if they are in pain or in a vegetable state and they decide or left instructions to end it if you are no longer aware that you are alive, it is there business. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Snoopy witch on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt

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Buy it:  Snoopy witch on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt Yea a lot of people are hooked to their phones but that's what the new generation is going to do. New technology will become popular among new generations. It's going to be the new hit. They're going to be addicted like kids enjoying videos games when pong or other arcade games came out. Or when sports was aired on the radio etc I don't think many people would be aimlessly walking about reading books and newspapers, walking into roads and all manner of other things, at least very few people would. They wouldn't be taking selfies on the Snoopy witch on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt  of cliffs and falling off either. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Take it easy take it easy don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy shirt

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Buy it:  Take it easy take it easy don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy shirt It's the mark of the beast. What's in your right hand? Phone, remote control, game controller...your eectronics. What's in your forehead? Your brain. Your thought process. Makes sense to me. I would have thought that the realisation would have come earlier, probably the Take it easy take it easy don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy shirt  you got into bed with your hot wife and all you wanted to do was play with your phone You go to a village temple in Thailand, and the monks are chanting. The people can't even put their phones down for that. From: Shop Trending Shirt

I am a Star Wars aholic shirt

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Buy it:  I am a Star Wars aholic shirt  I get it but before my phone o was reading books all the time everywhere even while eating !!! My dad hated it as I was supposedly not engaged with the I am a Star Wars aholic shirt !!! Reading books !!! So it is been always something!  It will be quiet and more private. These cell phones have destroyed America in addition, People are putting to much of there business online. I use my cell phone for business purposes only in addition, The world will be more attentive without them From: Shop Trending Shirt

Jack Skellington Halloween hello darkness my old friend shirt

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Buy it:  Jack Skellington Halloween hello darkness my old friend shirt I get the point of this, but the phone replaces other things that we have been preoccupied with since the invention of the written word, the camera, or Jack Skellington Halloween hello darkness my old friend shirt  . Humanity has always needed a distraction. Well, for starters, if we didn't have phones, we wouldn't hold our hands as though we were holding phones but actually weren't. Just like, if we didn't have beer, we wouldn't be pretending to be holding glasses of beer. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Golden Girl chibi thank you for being a friends shirt

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Buy it:  Golden Girl chibi thank you for being a friends shirt Maybe this artist lives in a secure community/country—the Golden Girl chibi thank you for being a friends shirt  of us need our phones so we have EVIDENCE when shot by police, rounded up by government officials, sexually harassed, our Human Rights are throw out the window and on and on. I’m glad you have the luxury to pout at people on their phones, but man you don’t know everyone’s situation. Keep your judgement to yourself. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Lucas Will Eleven Mike Dustin Friends don’t lie shirt

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Buy it:  Lucas Will Eleven Mike Dustin Friends don’t lie shirt Many people would go for counseling because some no longer use brains withoutphones. They would mourn the loss in isolation than celebrating together such a redemption. old enough to have lived in both the pre and post phone world. The Lucas Will Eleven Mike Dustin Friends don’t lie shirt  of the pictures is the lack of eye contact with others; the lack of genuine presence. Huge advantages tho. Time marches on From: Shop Trending Shirt

Official Pokemon Friends Shirt

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Buy it:  Official Pokemon Friends Shirt  This isn't entirely accurate. If I wasn't holding my phone I'd be holding a book, or a magazine or doing puzzles...all the things I do on my phone. It's Official Pokemon Friends Shirt  more convenient to do these things on my phone now. What if instead of staring at our palms we were staring at an incredibly complex device that connected us to loved ones, reminded us of lost ones and gave us all the information the world had to offer? We'd look a little less stupid then From: Shop Trending Shirt

Dandelion Green Bay Packers Shirt

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Buy it:  Dandelion Green Bay Packers Shirt So many pros to current, my only cons friends/ people now talk on social media instead of calling each other or meeting up , plus kids not getting outdoors as much or not talking and spending time in person and too much time in the Dandelion Green Bay Packers Shirt  world, losing social skills and same goes for plenty adults too. And I'm no better for it either Unless I'm alone, I never use my phone at the dinning table, my phone basically lives in my bag. I never text while driving etc. And, I still spend too much time with it. What a time to be alive. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Supernatural characters chibi reflection wanted shirt

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Buy it:  Supernatural characters chibi reflection wanted shirt The Supernatural characters chibi reflection wanted shirt  part is people are totally mis-interpreting the real issue here. It's not that they're reading (they are) but the little pixels of light from the phones/tablets are uber-stimulating the brain at a physical-chemistry level. The brain wants to keep the signal and sort of locks the stimulated state in place in the given poses displayed. You might be satisfying some intelectual interest at a personal level but your brain is sucking up the light stimulation From: Shop Trending Shirt

Mr Bean if you want to be strong learn to live alone vintage shirt

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Buy it:  Mr Bean if you want to be strong learn to live alone vintage shirt All too common among people involved in these high-,contact combat sports. The head is delicate and can only take so many blows before serious damage results. We all grew up with stimulating lights sources campfires, sunsets, black & white Mr Bean if you want to be strong learn to live alone vintage shirt , color TVs, larger screens, higher definitions more lights then make the addiction portable... to the point that it causes pedestrian and traffic problems and workplace presenteeism. Something to consider. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Dandelion Tampa Bay Buccaneers shirt

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Buy it;  Dandelion Tampa Bay Buccaneers shirt I think it's weird that people want to see themselves represented, I never watch tv thinking this person or that person doesn't represent me, I Dandelion Tampa Bay Buccaneers shirt  sit back and enjoy the ride I think the Nigerian women when they have the full natural look, are nice, but sadly they are mad for the mile long nail polish, super crap hairstyle and piercings. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Green Bay Packers Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it: Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Green Bay Packers Santa Claus Toilet Shirt Yes, men get stupid drunk also, and how many women do you know will take that as an opportunity to rape them Daunton what we really need is for men not to take advantage of intoxicated women, not for women to avoid being intoxicated. The Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay Packers, Green Bay Packers Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  way to prevent rape is for men to control themselves and not take our bodies as some kind of a divine right. Even a well-trained dog can leave a steak alone. You are still victim-blaming, you can not blame someone for getting drunk. If I got so drunk took my clothes off and walked around a bit passed out with my legs open doesn't give someone the right to rape me. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, New York Jets Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, New York Jets Santa Claus Toilet Shirt The Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, New York Jets Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  thing we to do is stop the victim-blaming by saying she was wearing revealing clothes or she was drunk. All that gives is the rapist more power. If you take that away and believe we all have the right to walk around and not get raped no matter state we are in, and punish people or can't do that very simple, not rapiThis woman was lucky that she was looked after as soon as the young men realized what was going on, because too many times men and women have been sexually assaulted in front of an audience From: Shop Trending Shirt

Green Bay Packers,Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  Green Bay Packers,Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions Santa Claus Toilet Shirt I don’t care if someone takes off all their clothes and/or drinks until they pass out, neither gives anyone the Green Bay Packers,Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  - or consent - to sexually assault or rape.ng rule, accordingly. Watch the video it explains consent very well.  rinder you do know that some perpetrators don't care and will never care. Will do the time and once free will do it again. Clarkson, you said it, even a well trained dog keywords, well trained. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Oakland Raiders, Denver Broncos Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Oakland Raiders, Denver Broncos Santa Claus Toilet Shirt There are many good men who would never take advantage of an intoxicated woman, however, there are those as in this case who will rape. Regardless, one can only train those who are genuinely willing to be trained. Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Oakland Raiders, Denver Broncos Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  nontrainable are the same kind who could kill. Still, maintain that women need to be responsible for their own bodies. That means no losing control of one's mind and hoping someone with you keeps control of theirs and both get home safe. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Minnesota Vikings,Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions Santa Claus Toilet shirt

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Buy it:  Minnesota Vikings,Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions Santa Claus Toilet shirt   Anyone male or female who goes out and gets blind assed drunk and thinks it's someone else's responsibility to not take advantage of them, should stay home and not put some un-trained male in the position of stupidity. See how ridicules what expecting others how to behave, can be.  of course, no one has the RIGHT to rape anyone. But anyone who rapes is not thinking they have the right to do so. Whatever controls their damaged brains is pure Minnesota Vikings,Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions Santa Claus Toilet shirt  at that evil moment. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens Santa Claus Toilet Shirt 'm way past the age of desirability, however, I would never put myself out there looking the way a degenerate sees someone through their Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens Santa Claus Toilet Shirt . I'm not victim-blaming, I've been assaulted and raped. What would I have done differently to have that not happen? Well, it had nothing to do with how I was dressed. More like I was so naive and trusted a person. Never thought it would happen. But it did and after that I was careful of how I behaved when having a drink and what I think about a person and how they behave and no hesitation in getting away from their site. From: Shop Trending Shirt

New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers Santa Claus Toilet Shirt That's exactly what we should expect of people. It's your responsibility to not take advantage of someone else. If you do, it's a crime. No New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  are in control of thier minds, yes they do think they have the right. I want to rape so they rape, stop making excuses and blaming the victim. Would you blame a child rape victim for being to provocative, how would the rape be their fault because by your logic it's not the rapist fault From: Shop Trending Shirt

New York Giants, Washington Redskins, Dallas Cowboys, Eagles Philadelphia Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  New York Giants, Washington Redskins, Dallas Cowboys, Eagles Philadelphia Santa Claus Toilet Shirt Trinder of course the New York Giants, Washington Redskins, Dallas Cowboys, Eagles Philadelphia Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  is at fault. Perhaps you could just calm down a bit and see that the perpetrators are not going to be controlled by wishful thinking of how they should behave. That's a losing battle, therefore both men and women need to be more aware of the fact that there are perverts out there who are going to do what they want to do, not what society thinks they should do. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Oakland raiders, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Denver Broncos Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  Oakland raiders, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Denver Broncos Santa Claus Toilet Shirt Perverts are not going to disappear because we think they should be nice and not rape a person who is so drunk and unable to defend themselves. Question for the women - IF you were beaten up in a 'fist fight' with a man and police action resulted - Oakland raiders, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Denver Broncos Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  you want your identity withheld from the public Based on my intellectual capacity and my vast knowledge, tactically and tentatively, right from the beginning, of times especially in the light of From: Shop Trending Shirt

San Francisco 49ers, Los Angeles Rams, Seattle Seahawks, Arizona Cardinals Santa Claus Toilet Shirt

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Buy it:  San Francisco 49ers, Los Angeles Rams, Seattle Seahawks, Arizona Cardinals Santa Claus Toilet Shirt Ecclesiastes evolution I have come to a concrete, definite and profound conclusion that I actually have nothing to say, thank you. You are so BRAVE. I’m sorry this is your nightmare. As you unpack your feelings may the San Francisco 49ers, Los Angeles Rams, Seattle Seahawks, Arizona Cardinals Santa Claus Toilet Shirt  be diminished. No female or child will ever look at BAT with any ounce of respect. On the day he dies his obituary will lead with his rape and the same applies for Persky. They are lower than snake dung. Brock Turner is dogged by his crime for the rest of his days. From: Shop Trending Shirt

Steeler Pittsburgh, Cincinnati Bengals, Baltimore Ravens Santa Claus Toilet shirt

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Buy it:  Adidas all day I dream about slashers Horror Movie shirt  I am sorry for the loss of jobs and finances. Yet, we don't need to contribute to climate change by supporting jet pollution through world travel. It is selfish and we are 'loving' our planet to death.  that is about correct. I am bicycle distance to work and groceries. I ride a motorcycle that gets 77 mpg. World tourist travel is superfluous relative to the necessity of travel to make a living and get groceries. We reduce our impact. To a lot of people who like to travel, these are morally bewildering times. Something that seemed like pure escape and adventure has Adidas all day I dream about slashers Horror Movie shirt  double-edged, harmful, the epitome of selfish consumption. Going someplace far away, we now know, is the biggest single action a private citizen can take to worsen climate change. From: Shop Trending Shirt

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