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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2019

I Like His Pole Shirt

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Buy it:  I Like His Pole Shirt  It's called rebellion. Anything the media is in love with is going to spark resistance too. Believe it or not, the media has the power in all of this. In an effort to reach the ones who would be influenced in a positive way toward I Like His Pole Shirt , they are also reaching the ones who would be influenced negatively What a lot of people are opposed to is the agenda. The BBC documentary "No More Boys and Girls - Can Our Kids Go Gender Free" is one example of what is being pushed down people's throats. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Iron Man vs Death Star shirt

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Buy it:  Iron Man vs Death Star shirt Barnabas Wepere dude for sure I understand the bible more than you, having studied the volgat and septugint, and the Iron Man vs Death Star shirt  james, studied numerous church fathers and early saints. Kiddo I know about a thousand times more than you and it's all crap. How about all the murders and sexual acts that have been committed in God's name? What about the pedophile priests running the churches From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Iron Man Vs Vegeta Shirt

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Buy it: Iron Man Vs Vegeta Shirt IF religion was true, it is most definitely not good. The   Iron Man Vs Vegeta Shirt  specifically, has advocated for slavery. The god has commited mass genocide. There may be some good things written on it but it is unnecessary to know what is moral or not to anyone that actually has a brain. just be because the media shoves gay rights, gender neutral life styles, shared bathrooms & locker rooms with trans down everyone's throats 24/7 & then calls everyone homophobic etc afterwords.. most people don't care what people to in the privacy of their bedrooms or how they want to dress & like anything that is harped on day after day year after year they just don't care any more From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Kombat Pokemon Funny Pikachu Costume Shirt

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Buy it:  Kombat Pokemon Funny Pikachu Costume Shirt  Paul Young The fact that you speak of religion to be the true evil is clearly about your lack of knowledge and full comprehensive understanding of the Christian religion. And I speak only for the Christian religion. The fundamental laws of your country are built on Christian laws derivative of the old testament. What then is the Kombat Pokemon Funny Pikachu Costume Shirt  purpose of the Christian religion. The true purpose is to LOVE. Please find a bible teaching school or church to get a full knowledge of the world of God. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Just The Tip I Promise American Flag Shirt

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Buy it:  Just The Tip I Promise American Flag Shirt Young pretending this is about religon is purely ignorant. While yes, some religions may contribute to anti-gay sentiments there are also very secular countries like Russia and Singapore (and many others) that also have harsh anti-LGBTQ laws and sentiments. Meanwhile there are many religious countries with very liberal views on Just The Tip I Promise American Flag Shirt  issues. This is about entrenched cultural ideologies. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirt

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Buy it:  JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirt There's a big double standard here in the UK, if an atheist parent indoctrinates their child to hate gays the school will become involved and then social services. If the parent says "it's part of our religion" then very little will be done. Just look at the bigoted Muslim parents taking their children out of school to avoid equality lessons. Why are they not being clamped down upon The JD McCrary Is Simba The Lion King Shirt   needs to legislate to double down on these religious zealots and undo the brainwashing occuring at home. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Just A Girl Who Loves Avengers Shirt

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Buy it:  Just A Girl Who Loves Avengers Shirt  Lynn is it not someone that brought that kids you want to take care of into existence If he was engage with his fellow man as husband and wife would those kids would have come into this world  Religion is the Just A Girl Who Loves Avengers Shirt  evil here. Religious indoctrination is the biggest problems. Most so called holy books are full of hate. Athiest don't kill people because of a non-excistant made up fairytale guy in the sky. Yep not accepting that crap is a big problem for stupid religious haters. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt

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Buy it:  Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt I got pregnant is not the Harley Davidson Military Honor Our Veterans Shirt  of this conversation. The point is, I'm gay and pregnant. You said gay people cannot produce children and I just proved you wrong sherlock. your post about teaching a new life to be compassionate in direct opposition to your post about not supporting a lifestyle or a view that may be different from your own? You’re right when you say it’s sad that the heart of humanity is growing cold and you’re proof of it. You live your life and leave others to live theirs. If there is a higher power let them judge, it’s simply not your place to do so From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Live At Mos Eisley Playing All Your Favourite Galactic Hits Sunset Shirt

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Buy it:  Live At Mos Eisley Playing All Your Favourite Galactic Hits Sunset Shirt what if everyone turned gay?" Irrelevant because that would never happen. We have too many people and the population increase continues to accelerate. And yet you are painting a theoretical that is quite literally impossible. If you have to go into fantasy land to support your point, then it isn't worth supporting. what fact. That two men or two women cannot biologically reproduce? I don’t see anyone commenting or disputing it saying that is not true. I assume we all Live At Mos Eisley Playing All Your Favourite Galactic Hits Sunset Shirt  From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Show Me Your Kitties Shirt

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Buy it:  Show Me Your Kitties Shirt Not everyone wants kids. Why is that so difficult to understand? And if that's really what you are so concerned about then you'd be complaining about all the straight couples who don't have kids. But you're not. For some reason, you are focusing just on gay couples.  millions of straight people simply don't want kids. They want to live their life to the Show Me Your Kitties Shirt  ,and for them,that means no kids.Sorry bub, but sex is for pleasure, not just solely making babies. That 6th century ideology has zero place in modern society. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Pride Dachshund Riding Unicorn LGBT Shirt

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Buy it:  Pride Dachshund Riding Unicorn LGBT Shirt  But everyone isn’t gay. That’s a moot point. Most people are straight and they may or may not have children. We know you don’t understand people who are gay or are in same sex relationships. The Pride Dachshund Riding Unicorn LGBT Shirt  for you is that most of us don’t care what you think. We carry on without even missing a step. You probably don’t care about our opinion either. And that’s just fine. I don’t know you and I have no interest to justify or impress a complete stranger. I do me and life couldn’t be happier. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Premium Lagotto Romagnolo shadow underwater shirt

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Buy it:  Premium Lagotto Romagnolo shadow underwater shirt Natalie Paige Hyatt and how do have a child avaliable to adopt? Because a woman gave birth to it..are we denying the Premium Lagotto Romagnolo shadow underwater shirt  role in child birth now? Answer me somethimg please, if everyone was gay what would happen to humanity Why can't people just let other people live their lives? Is their way of life impacting on them? Quite possibly not so just live and let live its not that difficult From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Bad Girls Go To Cancun shirt

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Buy it:  Bad Girls Go To Cancun shirt So it's okay to keep Europe for Europeans but not okay for America to keep for Americans? Trump isn't perfect but he does care about this county.  believes in Apartheid and that if a woman is good looking she may have a chance at a Dalai Lama.He is Elitist,not objectifying women. my foot, how dare u indirectly insult ugly people! Dis is y Islam will always prosper. Embrace the Bad Girls Go To Cancun shirt  religion and find peace and tranquility Just let them to continue refugee because of this Dalai lama whole team doing something wrong that's why china kick out From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Boney M 45th Anniversary 1975 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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Buy it:  Boney M 45th Anniversary 1975 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt What upset women are the sky-rocketing crime in Europe especially rapes. That upset the women, and it was from permitting too many people from countries to te south and east who did not understand the Boney M 45th Anniversary 1975 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt  dress codes in Europe. He believes in Apartheid and that if a woman is good looking she may have a chance as a Dalai Lama.He is Elitist,not objectifying women. interesting question, what TF is wrong with you people? We won the presidential election, and you losers lost your mind. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Castlevania What Is A Man A Miserable Little Pile Of Secrets Shirt

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Buy it:  Castlevania What Is A Man A Miserable Little Pile Of Secrets Shirt I loved when the reporter in the Castlevania What Is A Man A Miserable Little Pile Of Secrets Shirt   of her aggressive ignorance said as if it was a matter of fact: shouldn't internal beauty be important, not the external And (following a long and respected tradition in western and eastern philosophy that considers that the body is as important as the soul and they're interconnected) the Dalai Lama simply answered: both Repeating without much thinking or study that business is superficial or what matters is the spirit not the matter" is so ignorant, superficial, self righteous and not always but often hypocritical From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt

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Buy it:  Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt Dali Lama just gestured that Trump is mentally ill and he was spot on. The rest of his comments would suggest that perhaps he has lost the Eagle Flag Lgbt shirt  The video is made this way, can't blame a person for what his words are, not everything we see is real can everything we listen should be believed? I'd never doubt the actions of someone but when it comes to reacting, c'mon let's be practical. No matter how much a body tries to control it, when it gets exposed to the situation. The fluids aren't controlled and it leads one to react accordingly. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Dragon Ball 7 Universe Avengers ultra instinct war shirt

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Buy it:  Dragon Ball 7 Universe Avengers ultra instinct war shirt The Dragon Ball 7 Universe Avengers ultra instinct war shirt  Lama has devoted his life to nurturing the Tibetan people and their culture tirelessly and has been an ambassador of Peace around the World. We are all lucky to have seen his smiling face and heard some of his words. If you listen in depth to what he has said over his life rather than jump on political correctness for the sake of a bit of scandal you have missed the pearls of wisdom that are available. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Daryl Hall John Oates Ooh Yeah Shirt

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Buy it:  Daryl Hall John Oates Ooh Yeah Shirt Mind you it was the Dali Lama who was the first to notify us that Europe was losing its culture and heritage due to mass migration. n the media world we live in, attractiveness makes a huge difference to people’s attention whether male of female. If they don’t ever get to listen because they are not attracted then they will never hear what is said and maybe miss the chance to learn to think in a more questioning way. He was also making a joke at his own expense and appearance also! His holiness was for many years a practical politician before handing over political power to an elected government. Being the Daryl Hall John Oates Ooh Yeah Shirt  Leader of Buddhism he is used to the world with all its multiple standards. He is able to smile and joke even about the most serious issues while trying to educate people to think and act with compassion. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Eat Sleep Teach Tiny Humans Repeat Shirt

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Buy it:  Eat Sleep Teach Tiny Humans Repeat Shirt People take these comments at face value. He said categorically that we should help refugees, educate them and let them return to their country of origin. When pushed about people wanting to stay, he was simply saying that it wasn't sustainable. As a exile from tibet he probably longs for home and doesn't understand why people wouldn't go back to their mother country if they could. As for the female comment. It wasn't partically sexist. I think he would say an ugly man wouldn't be a fit also. He is talking from the Eat Sleep Teach Tiny Humans Repeat Shirt  of influence. The human world is unfortunately governed by 'attractive celebrities'. Psychology proves we listen more to attractive people. What the individual thinks is beautiful is subjective and yes we are beautiful on the inside. For heaven's sake he is a human being . There is no one human being in the world that is immune to bias! From:  Shop...

Eh Canada Flag Fingerprint It’s In My Dneh Dna Shirt

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Buy it:  Eh Canada Flag Fingerprint It’s In My Dneh Dna Shirt With all due respect HH, Strange to hear from Someone, who is practically praised for his wisdom and quotes, to hear that if a female Dalailama comes she should be more attractive, so people would come to her. I thought Dalai Lama’s are more about having the Eh Canada Flag Fingerprint It’s In My Dneh Dna Shirt  than being attractive. Maybe that’s why when they search for New Dalailama, they don’t mention who the are they follow their instincts on how a person answers certain things and more based on wisdom than Beauty. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Floss Like a Boss Baseball Pitcher 4th of July shirt

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Buy it:  Floss Like a Boss Baseball Pitcher 4th of July shirt  Roper not really, there’s a huge difference between being swamped by refugees who don’t integrate or bring any skills vs the Floss Like a Boss Baseball Pitcher 4th of July shirt  first policy, it’s comparing apples and oranges think he has a good idea of educating and giving trades then sending folks back but the issue is the strain on economy and resources. We barely have enough to cover the existing population. he is being praticle on his last comment about women successor. which woman wouldnt want to be wise and beautiful From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Fred VanVleet Sr Toronto Basketball shirt

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Buy it:  Fred VanVleet Sr Toronto Basketball shirt He also said that migrants/refugees should be educated and go back to their home lands to help build them and give back to their communities. That way the divide between developed and developing countries will lessen. not really, there’s a huge difference between being swamped by refugees who don’t integrate or bring any skills vs the Fred VanVleet Sr Toronto Basketball shirt  first policy, it’s comparing apples and oranges From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Thank You For The Memories Modern Family Shirt

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Buy it:  Thank You For The Memories Modern Family Shirt The Thank You For The Memories Modern Family Shirt  of empire, whilst bringing great developments to vast areas of the globe, it also destroyed individual cultures and languages. I like that the continents differ and the individual countries and people within do. If say all the white people moved into Africa and procreated, Africa would be completely different today. All that is unique about Africa would be lost. Same as if the Middle East all moved to Europe, it would eventually just be another Middle East. Multiculturalism can be fantastic, but a place can only be multicultural to a certain extent. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Thank You For The Memories The Lord Of The Rings Shirt

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Buy it:  Thank You For The Memories The Lord Of The Rings Shirt The vast majority of folks at the southern border are migrants, not refugees. That doesn't mean they're not fleeing terrible living conditions of course, in 2017, for example, they took in more than 350k people from Venezuela alone. Then there's people from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, even East Africa. To imply the Thank You For The Memories The Lord Of The Rings Shirt  is taking all these people in because they are all "highly educated" is ludicrous. although his wording maybe inappropriate what I believe the Dalai Lama appreciates is diversity. Europe is unique, as is Africa and the Middle East etc. If humans all start migrating to other continents the unique cultures will be lost and we would just have same same everywhere. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Spider Man Far From Home Signature Shirt

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Buy it:  Spider Man Far From Home Signature Shirt Coari so we’re calling them educated when they don’t even have enough sense to think through the consequences of their decisions. Seems like they’ll swallow plenty of ill-advised notions, as will you. Republicans don’t fear the truly educated, just the liberally indoctrinated. And how offensive will it be for them to then be given the bill for the Spider Man Far From Home Signature Shirt  How about the parents that worked 3 jobs, sacrificed time with their children to secure an education for them? Can this socialist give them their time with families back? No, he can’t. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Rick And Morty Caution I’m Allergic To Fake People Shirt

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Buy it:  Rick And Morty Caution I’m Allergic To Fake People Shirt The money we put into loan forgiveness will go right back into the economy, and step two is making college cheaper which will incentivise people to go to college, making America more educated. Republicans are terrified of this because they know an educated populace won't swallow things like "tax cuts for the Rick And Morty Caution I’m Allergic To Fake People Shirt , and that's all they serve.  a world where every student can go to college without having to pay any course fees or student loans, and you'll get a world where millions of college gradutes are leaving college with zero work ethic, and a wheelbarrow full of degrees in social studies, gender studies, liberal arts, humanities, human resourse management, all paid for by the tax payer, and not a single one of them qualified to do anything other than draw smiley faces on Starbucks coffee cups. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Premium I am a Marvelaholic Marvel Universe shirt

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Buy it:  Premium I am a Marvelaholic Marvel Universe shirt I don’t pretend to have the correct answer. Less emphasis on a four degree system and more on vocational and technical schools. Every degree would require an internship of some sort prior to junior year. College was just coming truly unaffordable when I started. I can’t imagine having more than in loans with my liberal arts degree. Thomas the Premium I am a Marvelaholic Marvel Universe shirt  is that it's getting so much worse every day. Nothing will ever be fair to everyone, but if someone buckled down and paid off their debt, they are already reaping that benefit. But there are a lot of people that simply can't do that. Should they live their lives destitute From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Marvel Spider man Far From Home Mysterio Retro Style Poster shirt

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Buy it:  Marvel Spider man Far From Home Mysterio Retro Style Poster shirt This is the one idea I can’t get behind in almost every case loan forgiveness. What about the former students that buckled down and paid their loans off or down I need to take the time to search this proposal instead of just rolling my eyes at the Marvel Spider man Far From Home Mysterio Retro Style Poster shirt . ’m curious though, if you were designing the system from scratch, would you set up a system of education which automatically saddled the least fortunate students with thousands or hundreds of thousands in debt? What would your ideal system look like From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Marvel Spider man Homecoming Outlined Jump Pose Shirt

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Buy it:  Marvel Spider man Homecoming Outlined Jump Pose Shirt What about all the people who’ve actually went to work in the field of their study, SUCCESSFULLY, and have paid off their student loans? What about the Marvel Spider man Homecoming Outlined Jump Pose Shirt  who’ve had their schooling paid for through scholarships and good grades? Or even if their parents paid for it? What about the people that didn’t even bother with going into debt over student loans and started their own You sign a loan application, promising to repay the loan. You decided to accept the debt in exchange for a college education. No gun to your head, personal choice. After you got what you wanted, now you want someone else to pay off the loan. It is exactly the same thing. Word to the wise, buyer beware. business From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Original Vintage American Flag Hockey Clothing 4th July Shirt

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Buy it:  Original Vintage American Flag Hockey Clothing 4th July Shirt I know people that voted Bernie in the primaries and when they found out Clinton, another established DNC hack was on the Original Vintage American Flag Hockey Clothing 4th July Shirt , they switched Trump. You guys aren't going to win with Joe Biden. He's another bought out politician who takes corporate donations and belongs to lobbyists and flip-flops on his decisions. Whether you support Bernie or not, at least he has a more consistent record and has always been a progressive socialist. Half of the current nominees running have just copied his platform. You don't have to like him, but the majority of the other politicians are not the answers and don't have any actual platform, experience, or the audience needed to win. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Marvel Spider man Far From Home Build up Quote Shirt

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Buy it: Marvel Spider man Far From Home Build up Quote Shirt I have a sizable amount of student loan debt and I'm the first one to say that it should not be forgiven. They need to work on making college more affordable, but to forgive the debt is crazy. You sign for the   Marvel Spider man Far From Home Build up Quote Shirt , you pay them back, just like any other debt owed. People who CHOSE to pursue liberal arts or teaching degrees knew they would end up with low paying jobs. That’s the risk they took when they chose their major and to take out a loan. Not the rest of our problem. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Marvel Spider man And Venom Silhouette Face off Shirt

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Buy it:  Marvel Spider man And Venom Silhouette Face off Shirt Firestone you have mistaken me for a GOP supporter. I’m as anti-GOP as they come. But, I also don’t want us to waste money bailing our grads who should be able to pay off their loans eventually when we should be spending money on actual poor people and Climate Change. That’s a waste of tax payer money and not Progressive at all.  or maybe don't spend Marvel Spider man And Venom Silhouette Face off Shirt  a woman's studies degree and then whine when you don't automatically get your 6 figure income. Don't worry about Americans, mate, we are living large and way out of our means, and maybe that's the problem. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Warriors Champion Steph Curry Klay Thompson And Kevin Durant Signatures Shirt

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Buy it:  Warriors Champion Steph Curry Klay Thompson And Kevin Durant Signatures Shirt  I’m sorry you never got the Warriors Champion Steph Curry Klay Thompson And Kevin Durant Signatures Shirt   to go for higher education. That’s why Bernie believes universities should be free. It’s really important to note that this works in so many countries currently and that’s why they have educated and engaged constituents. Additionally did you know that most of the people struggling from student debt are lower income? We are taught that an education is more important than following our dreams then blamed for wanting better. Give me a break. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Dr Seuss I will love my St Louis Blues here or there I will love my St Louis Blues every where shirt

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Buy it: Dr Seuss I will love my St Louis Blues here or there I will love my St Louis Blues every where shirt Jorge you must think engineers make a lot. That's not true. Not to mention people close to me have over 100k in student dept and make   Dr Seuss I will love my St Louis Blues here or there I will love my St Louis Blues every where shirt  a year in their field. They deserve a break. You're the entitled one here.  the government funded student loan program has become predatory lending. Please educate yourself because you sound foolish  a loan on a home with ruined credit because you defaulted on a school loan? Which is the worst of the worst. Hell, bankruptcy can't even get you out of them. That's why our home is in my name only. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Mjolnir Thor Shield Captain America Iron Face Masks shirt

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Buy it:  Mjolnir Thor Shield Captain America Iron Face Masks shirt Toffelmire default on the loan, put money into retirement funds which are not subject to liens, then finance your home with a  Mjolnir Thor Shield Captain America Iron Face Masks shirt   down payment or entirely in your spouses name. Then, before you die, transfer all assets to a trust, or dispose prior to death. You’ll end up being less in debt over your life because you’ll be forced to live paying cash which at the end of the day, isn’t really that bad. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Keanu Reeves we have a Lity to burn shirt

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Buy it: Keanu Reeves we have a Lity to burn shirt When you get out of college in a recession and can't find a job of the caliber you need, so you can't pay your loan, your debt goes from to over the   Keanu Reeves we have a Lity to burn shirt , and the lender says you must pay $800 a month that you don't have because you can't afford it, and you try to negotiate a lower payment plan and they flat out say  They had the option to go to community college, trade school or just get a job if they didn’t want to take one out. Larsen Yeah the logical solution is crack down on predatory loans by creating a law that doesn't allow this. Those who owe money before the law will be forgiven. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Lgbt Free Mom Hugs Rainbow Sunflower Shirt

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Buy it:  Lgbt Free Mom Hugs Rainbow Sunflower Shirt I read the complete article and watched the associated videos. Four of them from a basic Twitter search. There are four different angles of the Lgbt Free Mom Hugs Rainbow Sunflower Shirt  that came out. Not one of them shows the protestor or her associates being violent. There was no behaviour from any of the protestors indicating that they were going to cause physical harm to any of the participants at the venue. The Prime Minister suspended the Member of Parliament and he apologised for his behaviour and referred himself to Parliamentary Committee. Evidently I have an idea of what transpired and did not generalise. This is the stage where I point out who the person who generalised is, however, I have the courtesy to let others figure that out and use the appropriate adjective. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Los Ministros De Defensa Shirt

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Buy it:  Los Ministros De Defensa Shirt  I categorically said, the 'centre and mild left'. The members of the far left are as bad as the members of the far right. I am also talking about the Los Ministros De Defensa Shirt  of leaders and how it influences the larger support base. There is sufficient example to prove that extremist ideas on both ends of the political spectrum are based in violence. Mark Field is not labelled a far-right conservative member, and yet look at his behaviour. I like how you are holding dictators and self proclaimed monarchists as symbols of the left movement. Anyone who reads and has a world view are fully aware that none of the leaders you listed follow the philosophies of the left. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Magic Cow American Flag 4th Of July shirt

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Buy it:  Magic Cow American Flag 4th Of July shirt I think I have a theory about this kind of behaviour from those on the far right side of politics. They know very well and understand clearly that those on the more centre side or mild left of politics will rarely respond to their protests in this manner. They know that they will be allowed to stand up and express their opinions and at times displeasure with dignity and respect. They will be boo-ed at, asked to vacate the venue, shouted at and told they have no place, but they will not be physically manhandled. Especially by the Magic Cow American Flag 4th Of July shirt  of such movements. The far-right will not reciprocate that way. They will respond with violence and will try to shut responses in a manner that is not suitable to democratic principles/values. The leaders will then apologise, however, the larger base will get energised and believe that it is their right to behave in this manner. From:  Shop Trending...

Original A Salute To America 4th Of July Independence Day Tee Shirt

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Buy it:  Original A Salute To America 4th Of July Independence Day Tee Shirt Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the Original A Salute To America 4th Of July Independence Day Tee Shirt  tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of Oh please! He didn’t feel threatened! that isn’t fear on his face-that’s anger. Those women weren’t showing the respect that he felt he deserved and he was pissed. So he threatened and attempted to intimidate her by overpowering her just like every other abusive man out there!, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment Romans From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Nursing Friendships I’ll Hold The Butt Cheeks While You Clear The Butt Crack Shirt

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Buy it:  Nursing Friendships I’ll Hold The Butt Cheeks While You Clear The Butt Crack Shirt I mean, the name of the company has the word cracker right in it. I thought it was a beacon for conservative christians. Doesn't seem fair. The Nursing Friendships I’ll Hold The Butt Cheeks While You Clear The Butt Crack Shirt  was chastised for this same scenario almost. Cracker barrel has,gross food anyway. Truly I say to you that all things will be forgiven the sons of men, no matter what sins they commit and what blasphemies they speak. But whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit has no forgiveness forever but is guilty of everlasting sin FroM:  Shop Trending Shirt

My Son Has Your Back Proud Navy Dad American Flag Shirt

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Buy it:  My Son Has Your Back Proud Navy Dad American Flag Shirt God created Adam and Eve to teach you compassion to other humans, not to be a jerk who will go straight to hell. Bible also says it’s ok to own slaves, should we open that policy up too? Read like an adult would help. Not a toddler. you have all the My Son Has Your Back Proud Navy Dad American Flag Shirt  to believe in what you want , but you don’t have the right to impose your beliefs. So back off and let people be. Good for Cracker Barrel From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt

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Buy it:  Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt If we go back to the Chicken Hei Hei Y’all Realize I’m Gonna Snap One Day Right Shirt , we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned them; that weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them and that custom, respect and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of men serve their own interests. If the ignorance of nature gave birth to gods, the knowledge of nature is calculated to destroy them Religion does three things quite effectively: Divides people, Controls people, Deludes people From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Jiu Jitsu Choke Dealer Shirt

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Buy it:  Jiu Jitsu Choke Dealer Shirt  Well he certainly should be relieved of his police duties. Someone with such blatant hatred for certain groups is unfit to protect the community. Ok it's ok that a baker doesnt have to make a cake for a gay wedding, but it's not ok to not serve an anti gay event basically. When you have your finger pointed at someone else. Remember you have 3 pointing back at you. The Jiu Jitsu Choke Dealer Shirt  is divided into armed camps ready to commit genocide just because we can't agree on whose fairy tales to believe From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Never Take Camping Advice From Me You’ll Only End Up Drunk Shirt

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Buy it:  Never Take Camping Advice From Me You’ll Only End Up Drunk Shirt Free market and free association for the Never Take Camping Advice From Me You’ll Only End Up Drunk Shirt  btw if you make the Baker bake the cake cracker barrel has to serve pastors of hate because religion is also a protected class The police/sheriff department should be forced to hire an independent agency such as the state police or the Well first it's private property so they have every right to do that second it's really no place for a church service it's a place of business not a place to preach the good word to review the cases he was assigned to investigate. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

Keep America Great Trump 2020 shirt

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Buy it:  Keep America Great Trump 2020 shirt If you think the current trade wars are bad. wait and see what happens with the international sanctions that would be imposed on China. Well don’t drag the US into this we have enough trouble with who we have as president and who we pissed off in the world. Thank you very much economy would crash and it would go back But they were instantly surrounded by a mob, shouting and screaming foul abuse at them, some using megaphones. The Keep America Great Trump 2020 shirt man next to me instantly started throwing things at them. Other protestors ran towards us and the mob to form a huge crowd, surrounding the officers. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

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Buy it: Rick And Morty Suck My Rick Shirt To mister Caap : do you actually believe that China will divulge the number of prisoners it holds in its jails ? If you believe that then you will believe that i will be the next  Roman Catholic Pope  The Chinese government must be suffering from dementia. They have forgotten the promises given when Hong Kong joined China. The modern city state of Hong Kong was not really viable without the land of the New Territories. British and American traders bought tea from China in return for gold. This trade imbalance caused economic problems so the traders tried to sell Indian opium. The Chinese government tried to stop this and hence the opium wars where British forces invaded and captured the Chinese capital. They withdrew after the Chinese agreed to the opium trade but they also developed tea growing in India. By the time  Rick And Morty Suck My Rick Shirt rolled Hong Kong was not critical to an From:  Shop Trendin...

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Buy it:  Premium Ich bin die gluckliche person ich habe einen Verruckten Freund der oft flucht shirt Because those police were from mainland China. When will people realise that a cheap plastic toy at Christmas is not worth Premium Ich bin die gluckliche person ich habe einen Verruckten Freund der oft flucht shirt people disappearing every year and 1m in concentration camps for ‘re education government is just a puppet chosen from China government. Voided joint declaration made Hong Kong no longer an international city and that's why Hong Kong police abuse violence without any measures to control their power From:  Shop Trending Shirt

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Buy it:  I Am A Spiderman Aholic Shirt You are sadly wasting your time, you would have the same chance of arguing the plights of the Jews in the I Am A Spiderman Aholic Shirt , as Muslims today. People will always support the destruction of any group, they fear and hate. the video clearly shows that they are not just targeting terrorism. The demolishing of religious sites and banning beards and many other practices is not thing other than suppression. Forgetting anything else this report clearly shows that and if you cant see it you are as deluded as the many that have commented in a negative way on this post. From:  Shop Trending Shirt

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Buy it:  Kawhi Leonard King Of The North The Klaw The Mvp The Champion Shirt What happens when China decides to treat another minority the Kawhi Leonard King Of The North The Klaw The Mvp The Champion Shirt  way, for example Westerners living in China. Would everyone be as supportive if all the Americans living in China were put into camps against their will for re-education Only extremists are being held for re-education.. Yes if Americans too become terrorists then even they must be put for re-education  are Chinese. Americans are not Chinese. Of course we have different rules for domestic population and foreign visitors. Not sure if your American assumed brain can comprehend this though. From:  Shop Trending Shirt